
Facebook – Combating the spread of COVID-19 related misinformation

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Due to the current pandemic it has become extremely important to ensure that everyone has access to accurate information – especially through social media. Allowing users of a social network to post information that is not credible can lead to unforeseen consequences. This patent describes systems and methods for addressing these concerns. In particular, it provides a way for social networking systems to automatically generate and / or collect contextual… Read More »Facebook – Combating the spread of COVID-19 related misinformation

Top Patent Holders Make Open COVID Pledge

According to statistics recently released by the Intellectual Property Owners (IPO), companies making the Open COVID Pledge were among the top acquirers of U.S. patents last year.  IBM, the #1 patent holder, was issued nearly 9,500 patents in 2019.  Open COVID Pledge makers Intel, Microsoft, Amazon, AT&T, Facebook, Fujitsu and HP Enterprise also place prominently on the list. We congratulate these firms for their commitment to putting their substantial intellectual… Read More »Top Patent Holders Make Open COVID Pledge